Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Shrimp Blog

I keep fish, have done for way too long, I also have the attention span of a gnat. Thankfully there are so many different fishes out there in so many different types of water, that it's somehow managed to keep my attention while other hobbies have been and gone.

I bounce around different niches within the hobby, I've kept fish from all over the world, and even imported some oddballs myself from South America. I was in a shop a couple of years back and the owner was cleaning out one of the systems and a filter sock was absolutely stuffed full of Red Cherry Shrimp. Can't quite remember the deal, but the sock was emptied into a bag and the shrimp were taken home and thrown into a 12x12x12" cube tank with some nasty red gravel and some even nastier fake plants.

Even then I knew they weren't the best quality, but they seemed happy and although I never caught a shrimp to sell or use as food, they bred well and seemed to have a self-sustaining population. In 2011 I cleared a tank for a local council after the tenant had died and the tank included a population of Red Cherries - far nicer than my own!

Late in 2011, I thought perhaps I'd investigate what else is out there in the way of shrimps and, with baby steps, I started to keep some different types. This blog is just a bit of fun as I find my feet, often learning the hard way in what it takes to be a proper shrimp keeper!


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