Saturday, July 28, 2012

Caridina Serrata Aura Blue

More by luck than judgement it appears I acquired quite a nice shrimp in the Aura Blue. I would like to add more to the group, but they were pretty expensive, so I'll have to save my pennies!

Whilst I've got most of my new tanks being set up with Akadama substrate, the Aura Blues were one of my first groups and have settled on the Fluval Shrimp Stratum!

They seem happy enough, but a blue shrimp on a black substrate is headache-inducing! I don't really want to move them, but you have to really study the tank to even get a glimpse.

Doesn't seem to be too much about how the colour holds up when breeding, and not sure I have any females at the moment, but I'll keep the old eyes peeled and if I can add more to the group, it could be an interesting little project.

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