Thursday, July 26, 2012

In At The Deep End

Maybe not the deep end for some of the experienced shrimp keepers out there, but for me - it was quite a jump. I ordered 6 different types of shrimp (all pretty basic) and sat back and waited.

In the end, only 3 arrived. They were Aura Blue, Crystal Black and Neocaridina Var. Orange! And only a few of each (some are quite expensive!).

When you have a search around the internet for 'shrimp substrate' etc, there are a few products that pop up. For example, I found myself buying some Fluval Shrimp Stratum. Subsequently, I joined some of the forums and the such and perhaps such a substrate is not warmly received. 

A bit late for me, I had 3 new lots of shrimp - and tanks were set up with the Fluval stuff and little moss pads.

I'll be happy to share my good experiences as a new shrimp keeper, but I'll also be honest when things don't go quite so swimmingly.

I killed the Crystal Blacks! Maybe it was a step too far, too quickly for a shrimp noob?

The Aura Blue seem to have settled, but I've not seen anything even resembling courtship or even a saddled female.

The Oranges have settled and are breeding like crazy.

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